There are a few ways to resolve both parts. Mobile browsers can be fickle, so saving to disk may not work as expected in all browsers. Interrupts an in-progress fade of the track, or does nothing if no fade is progressing. Equivalent to including the nobr special tag on every passage. Warning: However, I had to create this class definition myself: it is not provided by SugarCube as I had hoped. For example: Warning: Math.random() is no longer replaced by the integrated seedable PRNG when State.prng.init() is called. classes) revival code and associated data within the revive wrapper, which should be returned from an object instance's .toJSON() method, so that the instance may be properly revived upon deserialization. See the State API docs for more information. If no name is given, resets all settings. Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and appends its contents to its link text when clicked. Widgets allow you to create macros by using the standard macros and markup that you use normally within your story. Does not modify the original. Removes fullscreen change event handlers. Loading is done asynchronously at run time, so if the stylesheet must be available within a tight time frame, then you should use the Promise returned by the function to ensure that the stylesheet is loaded before it is needed. Executes its contents and outputs the result, after removing leading/trailing newlines and replacing all remaining sequences of newlines with single spaces. In versions of SugarCube v2.23.0, the debugging interface offers additional tools, namely variable watches and arbitrary history navigation. Returns whether playback of the playlist has been stopped. This method is meant to work with clickables created via
.ariaClick() and may not work with clickables from other sources. Due to a flaw in the current release of Twine1/Twee (v1.4.2), if you rename the directory included in the archive (or simply copy its contents to your current SugarCube v2 install), then you must ensure that the file with the extension .py (the story format's custom Twine1 Header class file) within is named the same as the directoryi.e., the name of the directory and .py file must match. May eat line-breaks in certain situations. Randomly removes the given number of members from the base array and returns the removed members as a new array. Assignment: The expression causes an assignment to occure.g., A backquote is also known as a grave and is often paired with the tilde (. Upon a successful match, the matching case will have its contents executed. Navigating back to a previous passage, for whatever reason, can be problematic. This does not alter the volume level. In case you needed to do more than simply load the save, you may do something like the following: Returns a save as a serialized string, or null if saving is not allowed within the current context. If its return value is falsy, the save is disallowed. Resets the setting with the given name to its default value. See Guide: Media Passages for more information. Local event triggered on the typing wrapper when the typing of a section starts. SimpleAudio API, AudioRunner API, and AudioList API. Note: Because replacement is recursive, care must be taken to ensure infinite loops are not createdthe system will detect an infinite loop and throw an error. : fired, triggered) to notify code that something has taken place, from player interactions to automated happenings. At most one case will execute. Note: What you're doing is setting _text to the string "_TextNew", not the value of _TextNew. This method will not detect "code" passagesi.e., script, stylesheet, and widget passages. SugarCube does not trim whitespace from the contents of <> macros, so that authors don't have to resort to various kludges to get whitespace where they want it. Returns the value associated with the specified key from the story metadata store. Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them from the specified volume level to 0 (silent) over the specified number of seconds. State API. If you want to set a title for display that contains code, markup, or macros, see the StoryDisplayTitle special passage. In most cases, you will not need to use <> as there are often better and easier ways to forward the player. Note: The default font stack is set here. Stows the UI bar, so that it takes up less space. Allows custom processing of passage text. Deprecated: See the .includes() method for its replacement. to your account, Hey! Instead, use either the built-in functions random() & randomFloat() or the State.random() method, if you need direct access to the PRNGsince it returns a call to either Math.random() or the seedable PRNG, as appropriate. Returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. Note: Determines whether alternate passage descriptions are used by the Saves and Jump To menusby default an excerpt from the passage is used. The number of moments contained within the story history is, generally, limited, via the Config.history.maxStates setting. Returns whether the full in-play history (past + future) is empty. The core menu item for the Settings dialog. Returns whether the engine is processing a turni.e., passage navigation has been triggered. Note: Does not modify the original. I've added two new files to support Sugarcube. A macro definition object should have some of the following properties (only handler is absolutely required): Additional properties may be added for internal use. Warning: Attaches event handlers to the track. Feel free to add your own if that makes localization easiere.g., for gender, plurals, and whatnot. Creates a link that undoes past moments within the story history. Moves backward one moment within the full history (past + future), if possible, activating and showing the moment moved to. See Localization for more information. Gets or sets the playlist's randomly shuffled playback state (default: false). Thus, if you need either to be recoverable, then you'll have to handle that yourself. May be called with, optional, link text or with a link or image markup. The default cursor is the block element character Right Half Block (U+2590) and it has no default font or color styling. The audio subsystem that supports the audio macros comes with some built-in limitations and it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with them. The JSON.reviveWrapper() method for additional information on implementing the .toJSON() method. The config object has been renamed to Config and some of its properties have also changed. To resolve these instances, you will need to quote the name of the variablei.e., instead of passing $pie as normal, you'd pass "$pie". Returns the variables from the active (present) moment. Intended for social media links. Make sure to keep the files together if you move them out of the included directory. Newer versions of Twine2 come bundled with a version of SugarCube v2, so you only need to read these instructions if you want to install a newer version of SugarCube v2 than is bundled or a non-standard release. Note: May be called either with the passage name or with a link markup. The versions that forward to a specific passage are largely unnecessary, as you could simply use a normal link, and exist solely for compatibility with the <> macro. .off() in the jQuery API docs for more information. If you only need to print the value of a TwineScript variable, then you may simply include it in your normal passage text and it will be printed automatically via the naked variable markup. sugarcube-2; twine-2; javascript; mouseover; 3 Answers +1 vote . Tip: In SugarCube, both variables would still point to the same underlying objectat least initially (see below): SugarCube does eventually clone its non-primitive data types as well, but does at the start of passage navigation, rather than each time they're modified. If your content consists of DOM nodes, you'll need to use the Dialog.append() method instead. Code like <> seems to have no effect because the startup state is replaced by the of the incoming state, but they are still executed by the engine. Tip: postrender tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. Block widgets may access the contents they enclose via the _contents special variable. Twine2: Not special. The DOM ID of the passage, created from the slugified passage title. Note: Adding additional properties directly to save objects is not recommended. Warning: Widget contents string (only inside block widgets). Returns the title of the active (present) passage. When a widget is called, any existing _args variable, and for container widgets _contents, is stored for the duration of the call and restored after. StoryInit is run, as always. It consists of one or more right angle brackets, each additional one beyond the first signifying a level of nested blockquote. Appends the given content to the dialog's content area. Opens the built-in restart dialog, prompting the player to restart the story. A version of the above code in SugarCube might look like this: Where Harlowe uses its hook syntax (square brackets) to associate a macro with its contents, SugarCube instead uses "container" macrosmacros that can have content associated with them have opening and closing tags. Gets or sets the track's current time in seconds. Returns whether, at least, some of the track's data has been loaded. SugarCube requires authors to define and work with these data types using the standard JavaScript methods rather than providing macros for them. classes) guide for more information. When used to set a value, returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. Executes its contents after the given delay, inserting any output into the passage in its place. So thank you for taking the time to help beginners get the hang of both Sugarcube and Twee. Note: Use the Edit Story JavaScript story editor menu item for scripts. Does not modify the original. A function, which causes the autosave to be updated for each passage where its return value is truthy. .one() in the jQuery API docs for more information. See SimpleAudio API for more information. The core audio subsystem and backend for the audio macros. In use, replacement patterns are replaced recursively, so replacement strings may contain patterns whose replacements contain other patterns. First, the CSS, JavaScript, and Widget sections are processed. Shorthand for jQuery's .on() method applied to each of the audio elements. While it renders content just as any other passage does, instead of displaying the rendered output as-is, it sifts through the output and builds its contents from the generated links contained therein. Warning: You may, however, simply use the Test Play From Here context menu item on the Start passage to achieve the same result. May be called with either the link text and passage name as separate arguments, a link markup, or an image markup. An asterisk (*) or number sign (#) that begins a line defines a member of the unordered or ordered list markup, respectively. The active passage's tags will be added to its data-tags attribute (see: Passage Conversions). Any passage may be chosen as the starting passage by selecting it via the Start Story Here passage context-menu itemn.b. Several UI API methods have moved to the new Dialog API. The StoryInit special passage is normally the best place to set up playlists. This can be thought of as a special, temporary saved story, which is automatically deleted after the player's current browsing session ends. LoadScreen API. Selects all internal link elements within the passage element whose passages are not within the in-play story historyi.e., passages the player has never been to before. As you can see, Harlowe creates a deep copy/clone of its non-primitive data types each time they're modified. Used within <> macros. For example, the following is the data URI of a Base64-encoded PNG image of a red dot (): Generally, it's expected that you will use a compiler that supports the automatic creation of media passages, however, they may be created manually. First of all, many thanks for your advise. Warning: Note: Like in Harlowe, some SugarCube macros accept expressions and others accept discreet arguments. If you're using SugarCube at all, you're using version 1, which does not include that function. Error <