However, as I have already said, the robotic devices we had, be it our own or acquired from abroad, turned out to be practically useless in those conditions. [1] Bencana Chernobyl [ sunting | sunting sumber] Do you understand? However, my position is somewhat distinctive. Because his laboratory was a kind of cell that posed questions and formulated them physically; while the answers to these questions were given by specialists, not only from the various departments of the Institute but also from different institutes. But it was not. It had already been decided to assign the construction of the sarcophagus to SU 605, a department in the Ministry of Medium Machine Building; and that a thorough assessment of the internal condition of reactor number 4 had to be carried out, of the structural soundness of its remaining building, so that the project could rely on some analysis, on some verified data. The chairman of the Politburo, M.S.Gorbachev immediately warned me that, at that moment, he was not interested in the culpability and causality of the accident. This created an impression that a lot of attention was being paid to it, but in reality, these were the activities of new people arriving into a new industry. Eugeny Pavlovich Velihov who as it seemed was watching too much TV about the China syndrome, arrived with concerns which I reported to Rizhkov and Ligachev. And this, of course, gave rise to all sorts of wrong and sensational, sometimes maybe not sensational but still inaccurate, depictions. He is wrong. Right now, Im writing a note to Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov, another one, where I say the same thing. But it was reported in such a way that one of them died from physical trauma while the second from chemical burns. They were ventilating the hydrogen bubble. No edits have been made to the original text, but of course the meaning of some words might be altered from their original language.Why Patreon?Now this translation and the creation of these video costs a lot of time and money. The operative group led by Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov was created and almost the entire Soviet industry was allocated to the disaster. Lead is everywhere but it is the one that comes from exhaust gases of vehicles. For example, a team from Pravda and the famous head of the science section Gubarev, Odinets, many good Ukranian journalists and documentary filmmakers appeared there. All of this had to be invented and organized on the spot, successfully or otherwise. The area, the extent of contamination, its intensity would increase by 30 times compared to what happened. It is about 15-20 years within which all the questions we are discussing here must be resolved. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Because waiting for it to arrive would mean that we would have to stabilize the temperature on a much higher level when we wanted to do that on a lower level. During the first stages, this was the most effective way where by using ordinary vehicles but with proper crew protection, it became possible to collect and dispose of the most contaminated debris, the most dangerous contaminations. And this is necessary and essential. There is a lot of graphite, a lot of zirconium and water. All this was rechecked at other stationsthe same spots, the same weld beadsand not all was perfect. All this work was done by Marshal Aganov and his team with excellent precision and good organisation. These are three different types of reactors. This was done by the services of Government Hydro-Metric Commission and by General Pikanows services, as well as the station services. But nevertheless, judging by this basic overview they also had concluded that around half of fuel was inside the reactor and another half had escaped. The shift mode of work, all that was experienced, etc.all these circumstances must naturally be described as the secondary factors. But it also had an impressive impact once the work was complete. But from the contents of the telegrams, it was apparent that all this was, you know, people dreaming up things, same as we were doing here. There were many books for experts, thick and accurate, well-written; these were stored in the libraries. Yes? The 26th of April, 1986 was a Saturday, a beautiful day and I was thinking of either going to my university department and finishing something for them, or maybe letting things slide and going with my wife, Margarita Mikhailovna, and my friend to rest somewhere, or of going to the party activists meetin. They said that things were probably bad. At the same time, the Gosagroprom [State Agro-Industrial Committee] and the experts from the Ministry of Medium Machine Building were also carrying out analysis of various agricultural crops, determining the degree of their contamination, observing the forests and fields around the Chernobyl station, both within the 30-kilometre zone and around it. The work would start very early; at around seven or eight in the morning, the first meeting would be held. This is the main thing while the specific details are not so important. And further, figures of fuel release, they are less clearly known. Because nothing has changed so far. I understood, I must tell you honestly, that I understood that the city was being evacuated permanently. Legasov: Yes, there is contamination in Chernobyl itself. Now the maximum temperature thereactivity still continues; not the reactor but its remnants are activeis somewhere around 60-70 degrees Celsius. While individual researchers had proposed various solutions for dust suppression, in the summer of 1986, one of the main challenges was preventing the spread of contaminated dust over large distances. Whatever radioactive particles would escape, they would be filtered out. After that, we had to decide whether to leave them empty or to fill them with special concrete. Using such Celite-containing materials was very beneficial: both when put into the soil for holding radionuclides, and also when mixed into the bodies of dams that were being built on small and large rivers. [5] When on trips to other regions, sometimes as part of his scientific duties, he often visited the nearby cultural, artist and religious sites. At least not at the age that I currently am, just into my fifties. All this confusion has led to a great deal of irresponsibility which was exposed by the Chernobyl experience. This section cannot be concluded with only the obvious and clear things. And the first time with him. For example, different groups in June provided different estimates of the radioactivity that had escaped reactor number 4. Also, research groups under which particularly a lot of work was done were led by Kulakov, Borovoi, for example) had toand this was their primary objectivethoroughly investigate the premises of reactor number 4. In this circle, concern about additional measures to increase the safety of the nuclear stations seemed a far-fetched issue, because the environment consisted of highly qualified people who were used to being relied on, and were convinced that safety issues are solved solely by skills and by precisely instructing the personnel that led the process. But the main criminals are those leaders of energy in the 60s who despite the opinion of experts, and Soviet experts Say, at our institute, there is corresponding member Sidorenko Viktor Alekseyevich; he is now the Deputy Chairman of Gosatomenergonadzor. All in all, the accommodation issues had been solved. It is now sometimes said that many of those firemen received needlessly high radiation doses, because they were stationed in various places to monitor the situation and prevent the appearance of new fires. Sidorenko had to investigate the causes of the accident and I had- to finish the localization work on reactor number 4. No information was received about radiation-related injuries and this fact, while not conclusive, did calm us down somewhat. Various suggestions were made. Around the same time when the fate of the 3rd block was decidedwell, because of such conditions its launch had been delayed from summer, for when it was planned, to autumnthe necessity of setting up and launching work on the 5th and 6th blocks was very keenly discussed. But the radioactivity was already growing exponentially at this time. The initial organization of clear and reliable communication; this was done practically within a day. All this certainly gave an impression of gross neglect, of gross sloppiness towards maintaining documentation, which should be accurate and describe the state of building structures, and walkways, and electrical communications at every moment in time. Work was the man, almost the only meaning of his life. Try to move aside and do something different than what was done before you. What to do next? This is the thesis I want to be developed when we talk about the causes of the accident. It was I who proposed using liquid nitrogen for cooling. The station personnel was also surprising in a way. Second, make the operation of this device maximally safe and reliable. Soon after, the working quarters were organized. People will start to pack for too long. And here, at this moment, the main fundamental philosophical mistake in our approach to safety was made. They were very professional. You are then given special clothing, like this one, blue or white. But the point here is that the procedure that had been established was this. Preferably information obtained from multiple sources and there were cases when the military had provided information that was different from what the civil services had given. This was the reason they were unusable. The lack of and the unprompted removal of the third elementplacing dangerous devices in a kind of mandatory capsule that would limit the possibility of activity leaving the station or the device itself. They just constantly performed more measurements, more elaborations and tried their best to understand the actual conditions. To this day, I haven't heard of a single case where contaminated water had to be pumped out. This was, I think, in 1985. These inaccuracies were accounted for, but that approach itself was not accurate. But this reactor was not considered bad because of safety reasons. The evacuation was mandatory when a person could get 75 biological roentgens. Ivan Stepanovich Silayev, during his term, paid the most attention to the construction work arranging the concrete factories, arranging the shipment of concretebecause it was clear to him that the area around reactor number 4 had to be concreted as much as possible. And only recentlythis must also be describedhave our own reconnaissance robots been developed at the Institute of Nuclear Energy. The assumption was that all this lead will get into the hot zone and evaporate, which is impossible because most of it condensed at the upper levels. For example, the many-years-long struggle of Viktor Alekseyevich Sidorenko, that was supported by academician Aleksandrov, resulted in a government resolution for the creation of Gosatomenergonadzor, representatives of which should be present at every station, and every enterprise that manufactures critical equipment for nuclear power stations. But again, it would be wrong to place all the blame on the operator, because someone made the plan, someone scribbled on it, someone signed it, and someone did not coordinate it. Perhaps in response to this, Legasov received criticism of his leadership and his handling of the containment of the Chernobyl reactor and was ostracized by some of his fellow scientists. It was not taken into account that after the nuclear facilities move from limited industrial environment to wide usage in civil nuclear energy, the conditions will change drastically. This increase in the number of people required new ways of organizing work because it was no longer possible to personally give specific instructions and be done with it. In Soviet nuclear energy, precisely because of the pace that had to be quite high, because ten years had been lost, this third element, from my point of view, was criminally ignored. If there were containments, then RBMK would simply not exist; as it didnt anywhere in the world, this type of reactor. The question is what was needed from Moscow. Eugeny Petrovich Razantzev took on this task in cooperation with helicopter pilots. We went in and bought ourselves some very nice shirts. All these instances were in our heads as individual episodes. That is why after the main problems had been solved (by main I mean protecting people from immediate danger and localizing the disaster itself), came the question of managing all these numerous groups of people who had gathered there at the suggestion of the Government Commission, according to the decisions of the Operative Group of the Politburo of the Central Committee, and stayed in ever-increasing numbers, along with their equipment, on the territory of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Of course, many things changed as time passed, our views and ways of working. But within 25 - 75 biological roentgens, the decision to evacuate lied with the local authorities. Now the investigation, additional investigation is underway and, I think, will probably judge the designers of the RBMK reactorat least they should be judged in my opinionwho made at least three grave mistakes in the design of this reactor. So that no one could use it. This is the group of reasons that led to the trouble I wanted to speak about. For areas with higher temperatures that were located lower, we needed to deliver the metal, but then it would generate additional energy because of overoxidation. It was not clear what to do in it. But the fight against these dangers was being fought on a case-by-case basis. Adamovich: [UNINTELLIGIBLE QUESTION] and which system controls all this apart from the Academy? But they [the safety systems] were developed very slowly. Starting on the second day we started receiving suggestions from abroad about various chemical mixtures that could be used on the burning graphite. About lead, it must be noted that our initial plan was, of course, to put metal, iron shot there. After Ryzhkov and Ligachev arrived at the disaster zone, journalists were allowed in. What is the fault of Anatoly Pavlovich Alexandrov? The first thing to do was reconnaissance. From these telegrams, I immediately realised that no one [in the world] was prepared for this kind of accident. Do you understand? That is why we chose SiO2, sand, which would perform the same function, that is, melting, flowing in the same way as dolomite; because magnesium oxide [sic] is a relatively good conductor of heat, the most conductive among all ceramics. By that time, Legasov was the first deputy director of the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. But I am not sure that they will gather any additional information. Mayorec was already there, having arrived before the Government Commission. He was afraid of radiation - everyone is afraid of it. A lot of materials were used, our own Soviet were offered. These were reconnaissance robots which we couldnt get in time from anywhere, from any country in the world. Then we assumed that even if all the lead evaporates, we took the 30-kilometre zone and derived that everything [contamination in this zone] would turn out to be less than the permissible concentrations. On the whole, this extraordinary situationnot a trivial situation, a tragic situation, a difficult situation of immense magnitudehas shown that it requires not only the mobilisation of considerable communication resources, but also a very creative and skilful use of these resources, to ensure that the population receives information in the needed sequence and quantity, who can refer to the information with complete confidence, and most importantly, be able to use this information for practical purposes; or to indicate when to worry, and conversely, when to stay calm so that it is quite regular and not sudden. Of course, all this reminded me of the the warwhich I remember from my childhood, and from accounts told by soldiersthat the logistics were certainly as, if not more, important than the work of those at the front lines, who worked on the decontamination itself, on measurements, diagnostics and various other things. Legasov: Explosives. The transfer was entirely unjustified. [27] Resistance came from the old guard who resisted change and among younger reformers who regarded Legasov as a relic of the previous Era of Stagnation. Instead, each time it was a response to some technical proposal, or to some accident, or to some pre-accident situation. This is one more proof that we cannot do without them. Well because it was already clear in the 60s that it would be expensive and practically impossible to develop industry in the European part and provide it with electricity from organic sources. Rather, A.P.Alexandrov called Kokoshin, the Deputy Director of the Institute for USA and Canada (he had a doctorate, a very interesting young man), and asked him to write a counter-article debunking the author, that things are nothing like that, and that Soviet nuclear energy is at par with the West, etc. Legasov: Check that. [28] He was very disappointed that he was the only member of his Chernobyl team that did not receive the award "hero of socialist labor". This is Previous: led strip light 5630 5730 12v 5m waterproof stripe flexible diode tape 300led cold white warm whit Then Silayev called Gorbachev himself and asked that I go back. Similar [good] words can be said to theMinistry of Internal Affairs of Soviet Union, and Ukraine as well, because the evacuation process, the rapid cordoning off of the zone, and quick establishment of regime and order, as much as possiblethey did that very well. But there was a nagging sense of anxiety. Operating experience, technical solutions that had been used, software, all these could be exchanged and adapted. Around 150 wells were constructed, both diagnostic and service wells. At the same time, I managed to set up a laboratory for safety measures that evaluated the various dangers of nuclear energy compared to other types of energy. Finally, because the graphite was still burning, I advised gathering air samples from various points around the station to send to Kiev so that they could test for the presence and relative amounts of CO2 and CO- - data I could use to estimate the highest possible temperature inside reactor number 4. As for the RBMK reactor, you know, in reactor circles, it was considered a bad reactor. And this caused appropriate alarm among professionals, in technical and engineering sense. And you, chemists, are now making him almost a great martyr And in Chernobyl he screwed up enough - the shelter of the fourth unit turned out to be far from optimal. We were worried about the uncertainty of geometric shape of the remains of the reactor. There was nothing. Since Ive already started talking about the army, then I must say that from the moment when the Soviet Army was charged with organizing the work, the scope of work was quite extensive, but the deployed chemical forces first had to scout and establish the contaminated area. When we were just nearing Pripyat, about 8 to 10 kilometers from it, I was struck by the appearance of the sky. So they voted him down at the elections to the Academic Council. It was necessary to accommodate the army divisions as well as the various construction organizations that had arrived to help solve this situation. It was an integral device that had to be placed into the belly of the wrecked 4th block and would have provided continuous information about the temperature there, about radiation fields and some other parameters. Is there a reason for this in the storyline? Everything there would be blown to kingdom come. 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